


public class Object{
    public final native Class<?> getClass();
    public native int hashCode();
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return (this == obj);
    protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;
    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());



  1. getClass方法


public final native Class<?> getClass();

该方法获取的是Obejct的运行时的class,返回的一个Class对象,如何一个Obejct都关联一个java.lang.Class的实例的引用. 另外注意Class<?>的形式.实际表示是Class<? extends |X|>,其实. 其中|X|是对象的static type()的类型擦除结果.

这里设计两个概念static type类型擦除. 先说static type,

static type字面理解即静态类型,那上面是静态类型呢?既然有静态类型,那是不是还有动态类型呢?

首先要指出,static type确切的说是compile-time type指编译时类型.而dynamic type(动态类型)是runtime type指运行时类型. 注意千万不要和静态类型语言和动态类型语言概念(两种语言分类)混淆.所以我们改用compile-time typeruntime type进行说明,避免混淆. 不过这里的static type静态类型语言也有点关系. (我对这理解还不够深入,大家最好看看权威文档. 我主要参考了这个讨论)

Java is a statically typed language, so the compiler will attempt to determine the types of everything and make sure that everything is type safe. Unfortunately static type inference is inherently limited. The compiler has to be conservative, and is also unable to see runtime information. Therefore, it will be unable to prove that certain code is typesafe, even if it really is.

意思是说,JAVA是静态类型语言.所以编译器需要尝试确认所有东西的的类型来保证类型安全.但是,静态类型语言的推到是有一定限制的.编译器采取保守手段, 它无法获得运行时信息. 所以, 编译器无法保证代码的类型安全, 即使代码确实是安全的.

The run time type refers to the actual type of the variable at runtime. As the programmer, you hopefully know this better than the compiler, so you can suppress warnings when you know that it is safe to do so.

运行时类型是指,代码时间运行时的类型. 作为程序员,你希望比编译器更好的清除代码,所以,当你知道代码是类型安全的时候你可以屏蔽警告.

我的理解是. compile-time type就是我们声明参数或变量时的类型.而runtime type就是实际运行时对象的真实类型. 而getClass方法返回的参数类型的只能是compile-time type. 因为前面说的,编译器获取不到运行时信息. 所以在使用getClass方法时,这样写是正确的:

List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends List> integerListClass = integerList.getClass();
ArrayList<Integer> integerList_1 = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends ArrayList> integerListClass_1 = integerList_1.getClass();


List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends ArrayList> integerListClass = integerList.getClass();



Java泛型(generics)是JDK 5中引入的一个新特性,允许在定义类和接口的时候使用类型参数(type parameter)。声明的类型参数在使用时用具体的类型来替换。泛型最主要的应用是在JDK 5中的新集合类框架中.

而对于类型擦除,例如: List 的类型擦除类型为 List.


Object o = new Object();
Class oClass = o.getClass();
String s = "str";
Class sClass = s.getClass();
List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends List> integerListClass = integerList.getClass();
ArrayList<Integer> integerList_1 = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends ArrayList> integerListClass_1 = integerList_1.getClass();


Object oa = new Object();
Object ob = new Object();
Class oaClass = oa.getClass();
Class obClass = ob.getClass();
System.out.println(oaClass == obClass); //true

List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends List> integerListClass = integerList.getClass();
ArrayList<Integer> integerList_1 = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends ArrayList> integerListClass_1 = integerList_1.getClass();
List<Integer> integerList_2 = new LinkedList<>();
Class<? extends List> integerListClass_2 = integerList_2.getClass();
List<String> stringList_3 = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends List> stringListClass_3 = stringList_3.getClass();

System.out.println(integerListClass == integerListClass_1); //true
System.out.println(integerListClass == integerListClass_2); //false
System.out.println(integerListClass == stringListClass_3); //true

System.out.println(integerListClass); // class java.util.ArrayList
System.out.println(integerListClass_2);// class java.util.LinkedList
System.out.println(stringListClass_3);// class java.util.ArrayList